Hair Transplant Turkey

Longevita is the exclusive source for both surgical and non-surgical solutions to hair loss, serving clients in London and Istanbul. If you’re looking for a cost-effective expert hair transplant in Turkey or the UK, we offer in-person consultations and aftercare services.

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Turkey Hair Transplant Before and After


Hair Transplant in Turkey Costs vs the UK

The affordable cost of a hair transplant in Turkey and the high-quality treatments available have positioned Turkey as the global hub for hair transplants. The overall expenses for a hair transplant in Turkey cover various aspects such as anaesthesia, surgery, operation theatre, equipment, consumables, medication, PRP (platelet-rich plasma), hotel accommodations, transfers, and aftercare. As an example, a FUE hair transplant in the UK can cost up to £8000, whereas the cost of a hair transplant in Turkey typically ranges from £1500 to £2500 in Turkey.


Types of Hair Transplants

We offer a wide range of hair transplant services, including:

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FUE Hair Transplant

Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) hair transplant is a minimally invasive procedure where individual hair follicles are harvested from the donor area and implanted into the recipient sites, achieving natural-looking results.

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DHI Hair Transplant

Direct Hair Implantation (DHI) is a hair transplant technique that involves extracting, sorting, and directly implanting individual hair follicles into the recipient area using a specialised Choi implanter pen, providing precision and a rapid recovery process.

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Sapphire Hair Transplant

Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) hair transplant is a minimally invasive procedure where individual hair follicles are harvested from the donor area and implanted into the recipient sites, achieving natural-looking results.

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Unshaven Hair Transplant

A hair transplant that is done without shaving the hair of the recipient so that the procedure is more discreet.

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Afro Hair Transplant

A specialised treatment for clients with a curly, dense, and coarse hair type.

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Female Hair Transplant

Our female-specific hair transplant service for women with hair loss.

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FUT Hair Transplant

An older hair transplant technique where the surgeon takes a strip of skin with hair follicles in it from the donor area, instead of just harvesting the follicles.

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Body Hair To Head Transplant

For clients who prefer transferring hair follicles from other parts of their body. This technique is usually less permanent than others.

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ICE Graft Hair Transplant

A technique where the follicles are chilled over plastic ice batteries to improve the viability of the hair grafts.

How Long Do Hair Implants In Turkey Last?

You should be able to enjoy the results of your Turkey hair transplant for the rest of your life. Your surgeon will take care to remove hair on the back of your head that is immune to the hormone that causes hair loss. As a result, your new hair will continue to grow naturally.  Thanks to this method, you will achieve permanent, natural-looking results from your hair transplant in Turkey. Patients who need a lot of hair grafts may benefit from a second hair transplant in Turkey to improve their overall hair density and achieve their ideal results. You can expect your hair to start growing 3-4 months after your hair transplant in Turkey, and the overall density of your hair should improve significantly at 6-8 months. The final results of your Turkey hair transplant can be seen 12-18 months after the process. There is a possibility that you may experience temporary hair loss after surgery, but this is considered a part of the recovery process and is completely normal.

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The Hair Transplant Process

Schedule a consultation to discuss your hair loss concerns, medical history, and desired results with our experienced surgeon. One of our surgeons will assess your eligibility and create a personalised treatment plan tailored to your needs. 

Before your surgery, you will receive detailed instructions on pre-surgery preparations, including guidelines on medication, alcohol, smoking, and avoiding blood-thinning substances to reduce potential complications.

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Donor Area Preparation

On the day of the procedure, you will receive a local anaesthetic to numb the donor area, typically located at the back of your scalp. Your surgeon will shave the donor area shorter to help with the extraction process.

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Extraction of Hair Follicles

Using a microsurgical instrument, your surgeon extracts individual hair follicles from the donor area. Extracted follicles are carefully collected in a holding solution to maintain their viability before transplanting.

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Recipient Area Preparation

Tiny incisions are made in the recipient areas based on your consultation discussions. These incisions are strategically designed to ensure natural-looking hair growth.

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Implantation of Hair Follicles

Each extracted hair follicle is carefully inserted into the recipient sites using specialised instruments. Your surgeon will pay close attention to the direction, angle, and density to achieve a natural appearance.

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You will receive aftercare instructions for post-surgery recovery, including guidelines on medication, cleaning the transplanted area, and avoiding strenuous activities that could disrupt the grafts. Medication may be provided to manage discomfort or swelling.

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Follow-up Appointments

Schedule follow-up appointments to monitor your healing progress and address any concerns. These appointments are crucial for the long-term success of the procedure and to provide necessary support or guidance.

Caring for Our Patients

We prioritise the well-being of our patients, setting ourselves apart from other clinics providing hair transplants in Turkey with consultations and aftercare in the UK. We offer not only surgical but also non-surgical PRP treatments for hair loss, ensuring that we can give a comprehensive approach to hair restoration. Before the procedure, detailed instructions guide our patients on optimal preparation, emphasising safety and reducing potential complications. We stand out with our 5-star hotel accommodation, private VIP airport transfers, English-speaking interpreters, and a 12-month aftercare program, ensuring patient comfort and satisfaction. Our dedication to quality treatments, accredited facilities, and strict adherence to international health standards solidifies Longevita as a trusted choice for individuals seeking the best hair transplant experience in Istanbul, Turkey.

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Why Choose Longevita?

Although there are many compelling reasons for choosing us for your hair transplant in Turkey, one of the best is that we offer more procedures and treatment options than other providers. With Longevita, you can have parts of your appointment in the UK, meaning less travel and less time spent away from home and work.

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UK Presence

Face-to-face consultations and aftercare for 12 months can be arranged in London, UK before and after the procedure.

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Best Price Guarantee

We have a price match policy that guarantees the best price for equivalent medical care and service.

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Insurance Policies

The surgeons we work with are insured against unlikely malpractice, offering protection and peace of mind for patients.

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Short Notice Availability

The clinics are open during the weekends to accommodate last-minute arrangements and require less time off your regular course of life.

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Flexibile Payment Plan

With our monthly payment plan, you can pay in instalments flexibly for your surgical or non-surgical treatment.

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Quality Treatments

Highly experienced Turkish Medical Association-registered surgeons perform treatments in facilities registered with the Ministry of Health.

Is Istanbul Good For Hair Transplant?

Every year, thousands choose Istanbul for a hair transplant in Turkey. A hair transplant in Turkey refers to the practice of travelling abroad for surgery in which the hair follicles on the scalp are essentially redistributed to regrow hair in bald areas.

Within Turkey, Istanbul is at the heart of the hair transplantation industry. That’s because the city has some of the most qualified and experienced transplant surgeons. Since they receive patients from all over the world, their portfolios are also extremely diverse. 

Many medical facilities in Istanbul are also accredited by international healthcare bodies. For instance, almost 50 facilities in Turkey are accredited by the JCI, and many of these are in Istanbul. 

In Turkey, the Ministry of Health Inspection Board is also responsible for checking on the hospitals. If a facility is in violation, its permit is temporarily or permanently revoked. So, care is taken to maintain health standards. That way, you can easily get the best hair transplant in Istanbul. 

In general, the quality of hair transplants in Istanbul is considered the best in Turkey. This is why patients frequently travel there to have their hair restored.

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E-consults are available in the comfort of your own home.

At Longevita, for a hair transplant in Turkey, we offer free e-consults by trained case managers to allow you to discuss your expectations and desired outcomes in person. Our hand-picked consultants can provide you with a free treatment plan and a no-obligation price quote.

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Hair Transplant In Turkey

Chosen & Endorsed By Celebrities


Paigey Cakey

English rapper and actress Paigey Cakey was just 18 years old when she started losing her hair due to traction alopecia caused by tight hairstyles. As a public figure, she felt constantly pressured to hide her bald spots with mascaras and gels. She also felt that she couldn’t be happy until the problem was fixed. So, in 2018, at the age of 25, she finally underwent a hair transplant in Turkey with Longevita to get her hair back. The experience not only empowered her but also allowed her to know and love herself.

Simon Searles

Leeds-native Simon Searles is a barber and reality TV star best known for his appearance in the British dating game show Love Island in 2017. For years before he entered the show, Simon struggled with genetic hair loss. He used hair fibres to hide his receding hairline for about 5 years but eventually got too annoyed with the routine and decided to have a hair transplant. This allowed him to be more confident, especially since he could enjoy his natural hair again.

Hair Transplant In Turkey

Frequently Asked Questions

On average, hair transplants in Turkey cost between £1,500 and £2,000. In general, it depends on the surgical technique used. FUE is the cheapest, while DHI and Sapphire are usually more expensive.

Many people choose Turkey for their hair transplant because it’s much more affordable than the US, UK, or Europe and offers high-quality procedures. Turkey is known for its hair transplants, and surgeons are also vastly experienced. If you want these things as well, Turkey might be a good choice.

It is safe to have a hair transplant in Turkey, as long as the procedure is carried out by a Turkish Medical Association-registered doctor in a facility licensed by the Ministry of Health. Still, keep in mind that every surgery carries certain risks whether you’re getting it abroad or at home.

Absolutely, you will have a face-to-face consultation with your surgeon before your hair transplant in Turkey. Your expectations, along with your preferred hairline, will be discussed. Your surgery will only take place after you’ve agreed on your hairline design.

Longevita has a selection of skilled, qualified and experienced hair transplant surgeons in its portfolio. Your case manager will present these surgeons and share their profiles and before and after images with you. You will be able to see your surgeon’s credentials, such as their CV, diploma, Turkish Medical Association registration, and insurance details. You can also speak to a previous patient of your surgeon to learn about their experience.


Hair transplant surgery takes around 6-8 hours, and it is a team effort. Usually, teams of 3-4 medical professionals work on your scalp throughout the procedure. An anaesthetist starts by administering anaesthesia. The extraction of follicles is done by the entire team. The incisions for implantation are made solely by the hair transplant surgeon. Transplantation is performed by hair transplant surgical assistants.

Longevita’s chosen medical facilities in Turkey are registered and audited by the Ministry of Health.

Bleeding, infection and allergic reaction to anaesthetics are potential complications but your surgeon can deal with them.

Intensive care units and emergency services are available at the facilities where hair surgeries take place. They are fully fledged hospitals where more advanced surgical procedures take place under general anaesthesia, so hair transplant is a relatively less risky procedure compared to those.

Yes, the responsible medical staff will have professional indemnity insurance that will cover any unlikely malpractice.

It is sufficient to stay in Turkey for 2 nights for a hair transplant. There are some patients who only want to stay for one night and return home the next morning. However, we recommend you stay the next day for a check-up, dressing change, as well as detailed post-operative training.

You may email or schedule a video/audio conference with a member of our aftercare team for any medical help after your hair transplant in Turkey.

You have the option to visit a London clinic if you would like to be examined in person by a medical professional or speak to a Longevita staff member face-to-face.

95% of the complications are usually within the first few days of surgery and that is why we recommend you to have a check-up appointment with your surgeon before you depart. If you are still unhappy, you may follow the complaints procedure on our website.

Your revision surgery would be free of medical charges if your surgeon agrees your results are suboptimal and you would benefit from a follow-up surgery. Still, you’d need to pay for your travel, accommodation, and transfer expenses, as those are third-party arrangements unrelated to your original surgery.

We have an extensive database of treated patients who provided their consent to be contacted by a prospective Longevita patient. You may ask for a few names from your case manager.

The medical staff speaks basic English. However, we provide a professional translator/interpreter to prevent miscommunication during your hair transplant medical appointments. Your translator will accompany you during all your appointments. We also provide medical notes in English.

Hair transplant in Turkey includes 2 nights of 5-star hotel accommodation, airport transfers and translation services. Flights are excluded.

Techniques & ServicesFUE, DHI, & Sapphire hair transplant for men and women, PRP therapy & scalp micropigmentation (SMP)
Areas Treated Scalp (frontal, mid-scalp & crown) and face (beard, moustache, sideburns, eyelashes & eyebrows)
Hair Transplant Success rate 98% 
Cost £1,500 on average (max grafts)
Consultation Free (online) & Consultation in London clinic available
Service Inclusions 5-star hotel, transfers, translators, medication, and special shampoo and lotion 
Medical TeamHead surgeon, anaesthetist & surgical assistants 
Emergency Services Available 
Duration of Stay Usually 2 days 
Warranty Lifetime 
Aftercare Online for 12 months 
AccreditationsMinistry of Health, Joint Commission International (JCI), International Organization for Standardization (ISO) & TÜV Rheinland
Registrations Turkish Medical Association & Ministry of Health 
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