Hair Graft Calculator

What Is A Hair Graft Calculator?

A hair transplant graft calculator estimates the total number of grafts you will need for your surgery, primarily based on the hair loss zone(s) and extent of baldness. Estimating graft count is important for a number of reasons, including:

How Does A Hair Graft Calculator Work?

A hair transplant graft calculator is fairly easy to use, taking only a few seconds to generate your estimated graft count.

Step 1

Select the zones of your scalp where you are losing hair.

Step 2

Move the slider according to the amount of coverage you require.

Please select your bald areas on the diagram
Totally Bald
Appearance Of Fullness

GRAFT: 1425

HAIR: 2852

What Does Your Hair Graft Number Mean?

Your hair graft count refers to the clusters of 1-4 hairs that will be extracted from the back and/or sides of your scalp and transplanted into the balding areas. 

Note that the graft count is different from and lower than the hair count. That’s because a single graft can contain multiple hairs (sometimes up to 6), so the number of grafts will always be smaller than the total number of transplanted hairs.

Factors Affecting Your Graft Count

A graft calculator is adjusted for a number of factors because of the following reasons:

  • Ethnicity: The curlier your hair, the fewer grafts may be needed. 
  • Sex: Women rarely go completely bald, therefore, they might need fewer grafts. 
  • Required coverage: More coverage means more grafts will be required. 
  • Hair loss zones: Depending on the zone in which you’re experiencing hair loss, full coverage might require the following number of grafts: 
Hair Loss Zone Max Grafts
Zone 1 500
Zone 2 1,150
Zone 3 900
Zone 4 750
Zone 5 900
Zone 6 750
Zone 7 700

* Graft count estimates in different zones are rounded approximations. For an accurate graft count, consult a doctor.

What Are The Limitations Of A Hair Transplant Graft Calculator?

While a hair graft calculator can be particularly useful in getting an idea of how many grafts you might need for your hair restoration surgery, it’s unlikely to be perfectly accurate because of the following reasons.

For these reasons and more, you must bear in mind that only your doctor can provide you with an accurate graft count after closely assessing your scalp and hair.

It does not account for donor area density.
It does not provide a graft count for other types of hair loss (e.g. traction alopecia)
It does not consider individual differences, such as hair-scalp colour contrast or individual aesthetic preferences

Frequently asked questions about Hair Transplant Calculator

Most commonly, 2,000 to about 3,000 grafts are transplanted in a single session of hair transplantation, according to a survey conducted by the International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery (ISHRS).

New grafts will not grow in place of the grafts extracted from the donor area. It is a finite resource which needs to be carefully managed. The rest of your hair should continue to grow normally after some time, so you won’t have any bald patches.

You might need as many as 4,000 to 5,500 grafts or more if you require full coverage (Norwood 7), including the front, temples, top and crown areas.

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